Big 4 Interview Questions

Một số câu hỏi tiêu chuẩn cho các ứng viên tại Big4:

– What is the worklife balance like?

– What is the firm’s current stance and initiatives towards diversity?

– How is feedback provided to people in the group?

– What is the first thing that you would like me to contribute to the group if I joined today?

– What is your vision for the group for the future?

– There are also other questions that will make you seem a little more sophisticated and prepared if you ask them. Those questions are below.

Questions for recruiters – Câu hỏi cho nhà tuyển dụng: 

Dưới đây là các câu hỏi bạn có thể hỏi nhà tuyển dụng:

– What would you say the culture is like at this big 4 firm versus other big 4?

– I recently saw a news story about (fill in the blank headline about the firm) what is the firm doing to address that issue?

– What group and line of service will I be assigned to?

– Do you have a list of expectations for me as an associate/intern?

Questions for big four managers/partners – Câu hỏi dành cho quản lý/đối tác Big4: 

 Dưới đây là các câu hỏi bạn có thể hỏi các quản lý/đối tác của Big4. Bạn nên tập trung vào công việc, hoạt động nhóm và khách hàng tại Big4. Bạn không nên vội vã hỏi bạn sẽ được mức lương bao nhiêu hay kỳ thực tập kéo dài bao lâu.

– What values are important to you and your big 4 firm?

– What advice would you recommend to me that you wish you implemented early on in your career?

– Worklife balance is important to me as a young professional. What initiatives does your firm offer as far as worklife balance?

– What have you done to grow your personal and professional networks that I could implement today?

– What distinguishes this big 4 firm from other big 4 firms?

– Can you describe how you coached a new team member to successfully perform a challenging aspect of his/her job.


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